Terms of Use

Last updated: February 6, 2024


Welcome to Sellit owned, managed and operated by Sellit serviços online ltda. Sellit provides a platform where products and services are posted, shared, viewed, traded, purchased or even exchanged, companies and sellers are connected without any employment relationship or contract. Sellers can sell available products for a commission under the responsibility of the company providing the product/service.

These Terms govern the use of the Sellit Platform and all of its features, applications, services, technologies, and software provided by Sellit, except when we expressly clarify that other terms (and not these) apply.

Before you start using our services it is important that you read the Terms carefully as they contain important information and affect your legal rights. By accessing the platform and/or using the services provided, you accept and agree to comply with the Terms and the Privacy Policy. Future changes are considered, once included in the Terms, as well as privacy and liability limitations.

By accepting and/or using our service, you agree to all the Terms and agree to be bound by them. If you do not agree to the Terms, you may not access or use the service provided on the platform. To use the Sellit platform, you must be 18 years or older and enter a binding contract with our company. By accessing and using the Sellit services, you guarantee that all the above requirements are met.

Changes to the Terms

Due to the increased services available, changes to the Terms may from time to time be necessary, and we may make such changes at any time at our discretion. Once posted, the changes take effect and become part of your contract with us if you continue to make use of the available services. If there are changes, we are responsible for notifying you of them, either by a notice on the service or by e-mail. The use of the services after reviewing the Terms means that you accept and agree to the changes made. It is your responsibility to review the Terms in order to be aware of the possible changes made, thus understanding such Terms and conditions to access or use the services.

Accessing the services

The access and use of the services offered will be possible through the creation of an account on the Sellit platform. During the registration, the Terms and Conditions will be made available, they must be duly reviewed and accepted before the creation of the Sellit account. It is necessary username, e-mail and password.

All required fields must be completed for Sellit to provide you with the Services. The information you provide must be correct, current and complete. This is part of the condition of your use of the Sellit Services. After the account creation you can include other data such as, full name, phone number, website, profile picture, public or private address and more.

Information pertaining to security procedures and password should be confidential and should not be disclosed. Your account is for personal use, so you agree not to provide your data and security information to third party access. You agree to inform us IMMEDIATELY of any unauthorized access or any breach of security.


In the event of a breach of these terms, we have the full right to deactivate your chosen user, password or other identifier provided by us or chosen by you at any time at our discretion.

We have the right to disclose any information necessary to comply with any law, regulation, legal process or governmental request.

We retain all authority to withdraw or revise the Services or any part thereof, in our sole discretion without notice. We shall not be obligated if, under any condition, all or any part of the Services is always inaccessible or for any period. From time to time, we may limit admission to or use of certain parts of the Services, or all the Services, to customers, including enrolled customers.

We may, from time to time, delete specific Assets from the Platform, or limit the creation of Assets in our sole and entire discretion, remembering for association with any belief by us that such Asset abuses these Terms. We do not submit and do not risk any inability to assist, show or propose or continue to support, show or trade any Asset through our Platform and Services.

The services provided by Sellit

Scope of Sellit Services: The Sellit Platform provides a set of online resources that enable its Users to consume, create, promote or sell Products and services in different formats. When Users make a transaction regarding a Product through the Platform, they sign a contract directly with each other. Sellit is not, and does not, become a party, intervenor, or guarantor of any relationship between Users.

  1. Relationship between Users and Sellit: When using the Platform as a Creator, Standard user, Seller, Business, Affiliate, or Buyer, you are contracting Sellit’s services, and you do not become a Sellit employee, collaborator, representative, agent, partner, or associate. You may not present yourself as having such links with Sellit (for example, you may not describe yourself on social media as a "Sellit salesperson" or "Sellit agent"). You must act exclusively on your own behalf and for your own benefit, and you may not act on behalf or for the benefit of Sellit. You are free to act and have the discretion to promote and sell the Products of which you are the Creator (individually or together with a Co-producer or a Business Partner) or Affiliate, respecting the legal rules, the rules of these Terms, and Sellit's Responsible Use Policy, as well as to conduct your business activities and establish your working relationships as you see fit.
  2. Product ownership: As owner and supplier of the features provided by the Platform, this does not mean that Sellit creates, develops, controls, endorses, or supplies any Product. Users and Business are fully responsible for the Products and the information inherent to them, including their offer and rules of use, according to what has been negotiated between the Parties, and as long as all the Terms are respected. Sellit is not responsible for any disputes or damages of any nature that may arise from the relationship between its Users, or from them with Third Parties. In particular, Sellit is not responsible for any claim you may have for relying on information provided by a Creator or Co-producer, an Affiliate, or conveyed in a Product.
  3. No Promise of Performance, Gain, or Results from the Use of the Platform: Sellit does not promise or guarantee that you will achieve any performance, gain or result from the use of the Platform, or the acquisition of any Product. In addition, no Creator, Co-producer, Business or Affiliate can promise any performance, gain, or an unobtainable result of any nature, whether resulting from the use of the Platform, your condition as a User, or the use or sale of the Products. Thus, for example, no Creator, Co-producer, Business or Affiliate may promise that the use of the Platform provides extra income to Users, nor announce that the use of a Product guarantees benefits to the Buyer’s health.
  4. Product Compliance with Sellit Policies: Sellit provides a space and resources for those who wish to create, promote or sell Products, helping business to find sellers and vice-versa and find people with interests in common. Therefore, any User can use the Platform to create, advertise or sell their Products. In line with the applicable legislation, Sellit is not obliged to take prior control of the content (editorial or any other nature) of the products or curate any type of Products. Sellit also is not obliged to make prior control of its User base.
  5. Verification processes conducted by Sellit: Sellit takes the integrity of the community using the Platform very seriously, and therefore, reserves the right to perform verifications before or after the registration of Users, the offer of a Product, or the insertion of any content on the Platform, as well as the right to require additional information or even changes to Products registered on the Platform. Any references to a User or Product under "analysis" (or similar language) only indicate that the User or Product is undergoing a registration verification process and nothing more. None of these descriptions represent an endorsement, certification, or guarantee by Sellit regarding the Product’s quality. Nor do these descriptions represent any proof that the User or Product complies with applicable law, these Terms or the Sellit Policies. We remind you that Users, and not Sellit, are responsible for complying with all the rules applicable to the registered Products and their sale and sharing.
  6. Marketplace and Advertising through Third-party Services: To expand the exposure of Products, Sellit can include them in its marketplace on the Platform, according to criteria established by Sellit itself. By adding a Product on the Platform, the user authorize its display. Sellit may also mention or promote the Products in its communications, either internal or external, as well as other websites, applications, online and offline promoting, itself or by third parties, including through Third-party Services. If any of these occur, Sellit preserves its independence regarding the Products and the users, and this promoting does not mean that Sellit endorses or agrees with the content of the Products. In addition, the user who have their Products promoted are not entitled to any benefit, compensation, or indemnity for such promoting or ending the exposure on the marketplace.
  7. Access to the Internet and the Platform: Due to the Internet’s nature, Sellit cannot guarantee that the Platform will be available and accessible uninterruptedly. Moreover, Sellit may restrict the availability of the Platform or certain areas or features related to it, if necessary, considering the capacity limits, the security or integrity of its servers, and carrying out the maintenance or improvement of its services. Sellit cannot be held responsible by the User or by any third party due to the impediment or changes in the form of access to the Platform and Services. Sellit may improve and change the Platform at any time, either to modify, replace or remove existing Services, or to add new Services.
  8. Third-party Services: The Platform may contain links to Third-party websites or features. These Third-party Services are not part of the scope of Sellit Services and are not part of the Platform. Therefore, they are subject to different terms and conditions, including with regard to privacy practices. Sellit is not responsible for the availability or accuracy of Third-party Services, nor for their content, products, or services available in these Third-party Services. Links to such Third-party Services do not represent Sellit’s endorsement or agreement with them.

How our Service is funded

The Sellit platform is free to access with limited features, we offer upgrade contracts witch includes extra features. To buy and sell using our services a fee may be charged automatically. To use the services offered, you accept the terms and acknowledge that we are allowed to show ads to you. Companies and organizations make payments so that their products are promoted through these advertisements.

Your personal data and activities are used to display advertisements that are more relevant to your interests.

We do not give your data to advertisers. They tell us their interests, business goal and target audience, then we show the ad to people who are potentially interested.

In order to help advertisers, understand how they are engaging and how users are interacting with their ads, we offer performance reports both on the app and on the web.

Unless you give us specific permission for your identification by advertisers, we do not share information that identifies you directly.

Data Policy

In order to provide our services, the collection and use of your information is essential.

This Data Policy explains how we collect, use and share such information. We also explain how you can control your information through Sellit's Privacy and Security Settings.

Your obligations

We agree to provide our services, if you commit to the following topics.

Who can have access to the Sellit platform: We want to make our services as open and inclusive as possible, but we want it to be secure and in compliance with the law. For this, it is necessary that you commit to the terms of use and some restrictions to be part of the Sellit platform.

To use the professional tools such Business and Sellers you must be at least 18 years of age.

You must not be barred from purchasing our Services under applicable laws.

Your user account must not have been disabled by us due to any violation of law or our policies.

You must not have been convicted of a sexual offense.

Buyer eligibility: The minimum age for Buyers to register on the Platform is 13 years old. Teenagers between 13 and 18 years of age must be regularly authorized by their parents or guardians to do so. Registration on the Platform and acceptance of these Terms assumes that such authorization has been granted. Sellit must cancel the registration of Users under the age of 18 if requested by their parents or guardians, but this does not entitle them to any compensation or refund regarding the Products purchased by the minor while their registration was valid.

Main rules of the affiliate / Seller

Affiliate / Seller: Sellit’s Affiliate / for Sellers allows to sell a Product for a fee equivalent to a percentage of the value of each sale the Affiliate promotes. The Business partner decides whether to keet their products available.

Responsibility for the Affiliates: Users, in cases of coproduction in the Business Partnership model, are fully responsibility for their Affiliates’ / Sellers’ actions while promoting the sales of their Product. If an Affiliate engages in inappropriate behavior, or performs any actions or omissions contrary to these Terms or Sellit’s Policies, Sellit may apply any of the penalties set in these Terms against the Affiliate, the Business, its Product, or all, separately or cumulatively. The following examples, among others, are considered improper conduct by Affiliates: (a) changing the sales narrative of the Product; (b) providing false, incomplete, or inaccurate information about any of the Product’s features; (c) engaging in spamming or any practice that Sellit deems harmful to the affiliate market or the Affiliate Program.

Prohibited Practices: Any form of compensation must be transferred to Affiliates exclusively through the Platform. The Business partner may not create other mechanisms for the payment of commissions, compensation, bonus, direct payment or remuneration for any purpose, outside the Platform. Also, cannot request as a requirement for the accepting or keeping Affiliates that they (a) achieve goals, (b) previously purchase any Product; or (c) pay any amount to the Creator.

Communication: The Business partner must inform the Affiliate or its network of Affiliates, at least 3, 30, 60, or 90 days beforehand, according to its choice, about all of the conditions for affiliation and any changes it makes to the rules applicable to the affiliation, such as its discontinuation or changes in commission percentages, unless it is demonstrated that the Affiliate has not complied with the rules previously established.

Affiliation Rules: When joining the Affiliate Program been a Seller, the Business Partner must comply with the provisions in these Terms. The following provisions are under the exclusive responsibility of the Business Partner: (a) determining the percentage due to the Affiliate for the sale of each Product; (b) establishing the criteria for participation in the Affiliate Program for their Products; (c) accepting or declining registered applicants in accordance with previously established criteria; (d) determining the forms and limitations of Product promotion; and (d) managing their Affiliate network. Sellit reserves the right to limit the number of Affiliates of a given Product or Creator, as well as the right to add duties and obligations to users in addition to those set in these Terms, at any time, with or without notice. In the event of conflict between the rules established by the Creators and the conditions of these Terms, the latter shall always prevail.

Affiliation Process: Affiliates must submit an affiliation request to a specific Product. The Business owner may accept it or reject it based on their previously defined criteria, except in cases where the affiliation is not conditional on prior approval. By submitting their application, the Affiliate agrees to all the rules established by the Creator, including with regard to values and commission rules related to the sale of the Product, which are determined exclusively by the Business. Affiliates shall take into account all general and specific conditions from Sellit and the Business before deciding whether to engage in the promotion of a given Product.

Affiliate Status: Affiliation to a Product does not establish any relationship between the Affiliate and Sellit other than that of User. Affiliates cannot perform any action or omission that directly or indirectly identifies them with Sellit, or that may suggest a link of any other nature with Sellit, whether through the improper use of Sellit’s trademark or any other intellectual property, whether through the description of positions or professional relationship, or by any other means. For example, Affiliates cannot create social media profiles, either personal or professional, presenting themselves as a "Sellit salesperson" or "Sellit agent".

Promotion and Sale of Products: Affiliates are responsible for announcing, to the audience for which the Product is advertised, all the characteristics of the Product and the sale conditions defined by the Creator on the Platform. Affiliates assume joint liability with the Creator for full compliance with the sale conditions.

Sub-Affiliation or Multi-Level Marketing: Affiliates cannot create or practice, directly or indirectly, any form of resale or sub-affiliation, multi-level marketing, or similar processes that is not included in Sellits features.

Buyers` purchasing experience

Responsibility for the Buyer’s Experience: Sellit Services can be used by any Company or people. Sellit also values people's autonomy, believing that its Users should have the power to decide what Products they want to consume. Therefore, Sellit is not obliged to make prior control (editorial or of any other nature) or curatorship of the Products. Sellit may check the registration of the Products, but is not able to determine whether the Products comply with all legal determinations, whether they are adequate for the purposes for which they are proposed, nor is it able to determine the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the information provided by the users. When purchasing any Product, the Buyer shall verify the suitability of the Product and the Seller / Business for the purposes sought at the time of purchase, as well as the accuracy of other information and characteristics provided in relation to the Product. Furthermore, Buyers voluntarily assume all risks associated with the purchase of the Product. This includes the risk of being exposed to a subject or merchandise that they consider offensive, indecent or objectionable, or that the content of the Product may result in harmful or adverse effects, either physical or mental, for which Buyers assume full responsibility.

Due Diligence regarding the information provided: Buyers are fully responsible for all the information they provide and the statements they make to the Business, or to any other person, when using the Platform, due to the purchase or as a result of the use of any Product.

How you should not use the Sellit platform: To ensure the quality of the service offered and safety, it is necessary that we all do our part.

You must not impersonate any third party or provide inaccurate information.

Disclosure of your identity is not required, but you must commit to providing us with real and accurate personal information, which must be updated whenever necessary. In addition, you must not impersonate other persons or create accounts for third parties without their authorization.

You must not do something for illegal, illicit, fraudulent, or unauthorized purposes.

You may not violate our Terms, guidelines or policies, and you may not encourage or help people to do so.

If you wish to post branded content, you must comply with our Branded Content Policies. Irregularities can be reported. Learn how such reports can be made in our Help Center.

You may not interfere with or affect the services offered.

Misuse or fraudulently use the channels for complaints, appeals and disputes.

Collecting information and creating accounts in an automated manner without our authorization is also considered interference with our services.

Buying and selling of accounts, information or data obtained by us is prohibited.

Attempts to trade elements of your account (such as username), misappropriation of access tokens, collection and use of login credentials and passwords are prohibited.

Publishing another person's confidential or private information without their permission is prohibited. This includes anything that violates another person's rights, such as copyright, trademark infringement, counterfeit or pirated goods.

Use of any content created by another person is only possible with permission, respecting copyright, in accordance with applicable law. When you share or publish content, you undertake to obtain all necessary pertaining rights.

Our products and components must not be modified and translated. In addition, the application of reverse engineering and the creation of derivative works are also prohibited. The use of a URL or domain name as a username is not permitted and requires our prior written consent.

Permissions granted by you: You agree to grant permissions necessary for us to provide our Services.

Prohibition of Using Sellit’s Trademark or Inappropriate Association: You cannot use any Sellit trademarks, logos or trade names to promote any Product, nor indicate directly or indirectly that Sellit has associated, approved or certified the Product. You shall use and access the Platform only to the extent necessary to use the Sellit Services in the creation, advertising, sale or use of the Product.

We do not take ownership of your content, but you agree to provide a license to use it.

Your rights in your content will be retained. You are entirely free to share your content as you wish and with whomever you wish, we do not claim ownership.

We need you to grant us legal permissions (licenses) to provide the service.

You grant us a non-exclusive license when you share, post or upload content that is copyrighted or using our services.

This license ends when you delete your content from the network. You may delete such content individually, but you may also delete all content at once by deleting your account. To learn more about how to control or delete your content from the platform and how we use information, please visit the Sellit Help Center and the Data Policy.

Use of information interaction and actions on accounts, ads and sponsored content, username and profile picture.

Your interactions such as likes, and comments and your profile picture will be seen by advertisers and platform users. Advertisers pay us to show you their ads, which may appear to you based on your interest. We may show you that you like a sponsored post created by a brand that has paid us to advertise. Your ad settings will always be respected.

We may download and install service updates to your device, and you agree to this.

Additional Rights Maintained

In case of use of a username that infringes the intellectual property of a third party or impersonates another person, you give us the right to change it when necessary, after evaluation.

In the case of the use of copyrighted content provided by us (such as images, designs, videos or sounds), when added to your content, the rights to our content are retained, but not yours.

Prior written permission is required for the use of our intellectual property, our trademarks or similar marks, or must be in accordance with the Trademark Guidelines.

Main Licenses that the users grant to Sellit upon registering a product or publishing any content: The Users will always be the owner and responsible of all rights and obligations related to the Product created, promoted, or sold using the Platform. However, when registering a Product and it is being used / traded, the users automatically grant Sellit the authorization to sell and provide the product to Consumers, the license to use the intellectual property rights relating to the Product, including copyrights, property rights, on a sub-licensable basis, royalty-free or without any other type of remuneration. The integration of Sellit Services with a Product does not mean that the Product or the intellectual property rights associated with it become the property of Sellit. This license is granted on a non-exclusive basis, being valid worldwide, for all legal purposes and effects, and for all modalities of use. This means that if needed, Sellit can use, reproduce, process, adapt, translate, include subtitles, publish, transmit, display or distribute the Product. on any media or support, inside and outside the Platform.

Commissioning: In the “Commissioning” the tax obligations to the Buyers are exclusive to the Creator, Business who provide the product/service, been responsible for issuing invoice(s) as the result of the sale of its Products to Buyers.

Fees: The use of, by users, the features made available by the Platform is subject to the payment of License and Service Fees, which are charged at the time of the sale of each Product, When the transaction is approved, a fee is deducted from the final amount charged by the Business Partner to each Buyer. These fees, their respective payment methods, invoicing and type of payment are established in the General Payment Policy, and may be changed at any time, at Sellit's discretion, upon prior notice.

Affiliate and Buyer Fees: Buyers and Affiliates can access and use Sellit services free of charge. The Affiliates provide services exclusively to the Business partner, when applicable. However, Sellit may charge amounts resulting from financial operations performed by these Users, such as the accountable advances requested by an Affiliate, or installment plan or use of different payment methods by the Buyer, as established in the General Payment Policy.

Charges on Your Billing Account.

If you elect to make a purchase on the Service, you agree that such payment shall be made on the Websites. Sellit bills you through an online account (your "Billing Account") for such charges. You agree to pay all charges at the prices then in effect for any use of the Service by you or other persons (including your agents) using your Billing Account, and you authorize Sellit to charge your chosen payment provider (your "Payment Method") for the Service. You agree to make payment using that selected Payment Method. Sellit reserves the right to correct any errors or mistakes that it makes even if it has already requested or received payment.

Recurring Billing. Our subscription plans to the Service consist of an initial period, for which there is a one-time charge, followed by recurring period charges as agreed to by you. By entering into this Agreement, you acknowledge that your subscription has an initial and recurring payment feature and you accept responsibility for all recurring charges prior to cancellation. Sellit may submit periodic charges (e.g., monthly, yearly) without further authorization from you, until you provide prior notice (confirmed in writing by Sellit) that you have terminated this authorization or wish to change your payment method. Such notice will not affect charges submitted before Sellit could reasonably act. Contact Sellit at contato@Sellitbr.com to change your payment method or cancel your paid membership by a provider of your chosen Payment Method (the “Payment Method Provider”). For your convenience, we take your payment information so that your Sellit membership will not be interrupted. We auto-renew your membership at the level you selected. Your Sellit subscription will be automatically extended for successive renewal periods of the same duration as the subscription term originally selected, at the then-current non-promotional subscription rate (if applicable). To cancel, change or resign your subscription at any time, simply email us at contato@Sellitbr.com and we will cancel your account as soon as practicable.

If you resign, you may use your subscription until the end of your then-current subscription term; your subscription will not be renewed after your then-current term expires. However, you will not be eligible for a prorated refund of any portion of the subscription fee paid for the then-current subscription period unless otherwise agreed by Sellit.

Payment Method. The terms of your payment will be based on your Payment Method and may be determined by agreements between you and the financial institution, credit card issuer or other provider of your chosen payment method.

Reaffirmation of Authorization. Your non-termination or continued use of the Service reaffirms that Sellit is authorized to charge your Payment Method. Sellit may submit those charges for payment and you will be responsible for such charges. This does not waive Sellit’s right to seek payment directly from you. Your charges may be payable in advance, in arrears, per usage, or as otherwise described when you initially subscribed to the Service.

Interactions; Limitation of Liability

It is up to you whether you want to connect with a certain User, and you alone bear the risk of any communication, meeting, or other connection with a User. You acknowledge and agree that Sellit is not a party to any communication, meeting or agreement between you and another User, and that we are not liable to you for any loss incurred as the result of a User’s acts or omissions, including without limitation fraud, failure to communicate, conversion, physical injury, mental distress, breach of contract, negligence, and intellectual property violations.

You acknowledge and agree that Sellit does not necessarily have control over the quality, safety, morality or legality of any User or any service(s) they offer you, the truth or accuracy of any User statements, or the ability of Users to fulfill their obligations under an agreement with you. Sellit cannot ensure that a User will actually complete a transaction or follow through on their promises.

Sellit cannot guarantee the true identity, age, and nationality of a User. Sellit encourages you to communicate directly with Users through the tools available on the application.

Further, Sellit cannot guarantee the articles posted by any User is valid, accurate, reliable, current, or error-free.

Logistics and Product Quality Disclaimer Clause:

Sellit, hereinafter referred to as "the Ecommerce," is an online platform that facilitates interaction between buyers and sellers for the commercialization of products. It is important to note that the Ecommerce is not the supplier or manufacturer of the products listed on its platform.

By using the services offered by the Ecommerce, you agree that:

  1. Logistics and Shipping: The Ecommerce is not responsible for the logistics, delivery, or shipping of goods negotiated on the platform. The responsibility for the logistics and delivery of the products lies exclusively with the product provider company or the seller.
  2. Returns: The Ecommerce is not responsible for returns of products purchased through its platform. Any issues related to returns, exchanges, or refunds should be addressed directly with the seller or product provider company, according to their individual policies.
  3. Product Quality: The Ecommerce does not guarantee the quality, accuracy, safety, or legality of the products listed on its platform. The responsibility for the quality of the products, including any defects or inadequacies, lies exclusively with the seller or product provider company.
  4. Assumption of Responsibility: By making a purchase through the Ecommerce, the buyer assumes full responsibility for the purchasing decision and the use of the products acquired. The Ecommerce is not liable for any damages, losses, or expenses resulting from the use of products purchased through its platform.

Account Deactivation and Content Removal

If you share any content or information that we believe violates our Terms of Use or policies, or there is any legal requirement, we have the right to remove it.

In case of violation of the Terms of Use or policies, risk or legal exposure for Sellit, repeated violation of intellectual property rights of others or in case of legal requirement, we may refuse and stop providing our services or part of them.

In order to avoid and reduce legal impacts, we may change the service, alter it, remove it, or even terminate it. Content and information shared on the service may be blocked. This may vary at our discretion.

After the removal of your shared content due to violation of our terms, you will be informed and assisted on the possible measures to request a review. The request for a review will be possible, if there is no serious and repeated violation of our terms or legal exposure (for Sellit or third parties); compromising the integrity of our services; attitudes that harm our users. If you believe that there is an analysis error and your account was closed by mistake, or if you want to deactivate it permanently, access our Help Center.

If you request deletion of your account or any posted content, the process will begin within 30 days of the request. It is possible that the deletion process may take up to 90 days after the request. During the deletion period, the content is no longer visible to other users, but remains subject to the Terms of Use and the data policy. It may take 90 days or more to remove content from our backup systems.

The closure of the account occurs sometime after the report and the acknowledgment of the violation. It is up to us to perform this closure if there is a violation of the terms mentioned above.

Content will not be deleted within 90 days under the following conditions

In case of use of the content in question by users who agree with the license and who have not deleted such content. The license shall continue to apply until the content is deleted.

In case of technical limitations of our system the deletion may exceed 90 days. The content will be deleted as soon as possible.

In case there is a restriction of our capacity due to exclusion, such as:

Preservation of evidence for the fulfillment of a legal obligation.

To investigate or identify inappropriate use of our services, as well as to ensure the protection and quality of our system and the users who use it.

Need to comply with a request from judicial authorities for law enforcement.

Due to these exceptions, the content may remain indefinitely for the required purposes. The duration of each case will be different.

In case of deactivation or deletion of your account (by us or by you), our agreement is no longer in effect. However, the content just below called "Our Agreement" will still apply.

Our Agreement

The use of our API must be in accordance with our Sellit Platform Policies and Terms, and the use of music will also be subject to the Music Guidelines.

Other complementary terms are part of our agreement, and you will have the possibility to agree with them in case of use of other features or related services. In the case of features that involve payment, you must agree to our Platform Payment Terms.

In the event of any conflict of terms with this agreement, the terms will prevail.

If any aspect of our agreement is in any way unenforceable, the remainder will remain in effect.

Any amendment or waiver of this agreement by us shall be in written and signed form. Any error or failure by us to perform this agreement will not be considered a waiver.

We reserve all rights not knowingly granted to you.

Who has rights under this agreement?

Third parties do not have any rights under this agreement. Your obligations and rights under this agreement cannot be transferred without our knowledge. In the event of a possible merger or sale of assets, we may transfer our rights and obligations to other persons, or in accordance with the law.

Liable in case anything happens

We are only liable for typical, foreseeable damages in the event of a breach of the essential terms of this agreement. These essential terms are obligations that are necessary for the fulfillment of the agreement, a violation of which could compromise the purpose of the agreement, which you expect to be fulfilled.

By accepting the terms, you agree that the Sellit team and its administrators have no responsibility for losses of any kind that may occur, whether related to profit, loss of data, revenue, transactions, among others.

The pronouncement of the Sellit team through other social networks also does not constitute an opinion or even some advice for the execution of a transaction or any other type of investment.

It is your responsibility to always verify the information of an acquired asset, such as identity, authenticity, and legitimacy. We provide the service for an asset to be acquired, but we do not claim such information.

In cases of disputes

If there is a challenge or complaint from you (consumer) related to our service, we may resolve it in any competent court in the country of your residence that has a jurisdiction over challenges and complaints. We may resolve your challenge or complaint against you, and you against us. It will be resolved in accordance with the laws of the country where the dispute was filed.

In the event of a challenge or claim related to the use of the service for commercial or business purposes, you agree that it shall be resolved in a court of competent jurisdiction in Brazil, where the laws of that country will apply regardless of its conflict of law provisions.

In case of any dispute between a User and Sellit, the exclusive venue to litigate such dispute shall be the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of São Paulo-SP Brazil, expressly renouncing any other forum that may have jurisdiction.

Feedback and other unsolicited material

Suggestions and feedback are most welcome, but we may use them without restriction or obligation to compensate you for them and have no obligation to maintain confidentiality regarding them. By accepting the terms, you are aware of and agree to it.

Updating our Terms

Changes to our policies and Services may be made at any time. From time to time we may need to make such changes to bring our Terms in line with our policies and services to you.

If our terms become incomplete or inappropriate for the services offered, we will make changes, but always in your best interest. You will be informed about these changes 30 days before they take effect, and you will have the opportunity to review these changes.

If you continue to use our services, you agree to the updated Terms. If you do not agree, you may delete your account.